I must say I've been completely blessed to have Walt home most of my summer. (ALMOST 2 whole MONTHS!) I can't believe it is already time for him to travel yet again. He will be leaving Monday, August 4th, for those of you that know me, you know this is MY BIRTHDAY....(insert sad face here.) He will be going to Houston, then Ponca City. I know it isn't an international assignment, but he will be venturing out on those in September (London) and October (Indonesia). I've just gotten so used to cooking every night and having him HOME. Gracie and I are so sad that he is getting ready to leave.......AGAIN. Guess we will have to make the weekend, extra wonderful! Come Monday morning, this is what I will wake up to....such a familiar sight.
July 31, 2008
Is it already time?
July 27, 2008
It's Officially over
My summer came to a close.....today.
July 28-August 1 (Owasso JV Pom Camp)
August 4-August8 (Work week for Carnegie)
August 11th---First day of school
So....I decided I would create a little montage of some of the pictures from summer.....Enjoy!
July 23, 2008
Typical Tomboy?
I mean all you have to do is look at previous post, to see that Gracie is NOT
looking her best here.
July 22, 2008
So, I totally meant to do this on May 22, but my sweet nephew Jack was born on the 21st of May and I was a little pre-occupied. Then, on June 22, I was in Daingerfield visiting my in-laws, so I was not around my computer....so NOW 2 months later I can finally blog about someone that I love so very dearly. I decided that I wanted to blog about this special someone on the day that she was actually born....now I know it isn't the MONTH she was born, but as you can tell, A LOT of thought went into this.
This special someone has been there for me through it all....break-ups, girl fights, stressing out over grades, throwing all of our clothes in our closet before our parents came to visit in college, late night Taco C runs, meeting Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America, running the bear trail..(ok...walking and running), SING, ski trips, Theta activities, fraternity parties, break-ups (some of us broke up numerous times..ha!), graduation, moving to different cities, moving to different states, talking to each other on the phone when we haven't seen each other in months, standing beside each other on our wedding day....what can I say...we have been through the most memorable times of our lives together.
God truly blessed me with you! Who would have ever thought that freshman year sitting in our Communication class we would turn out to be best friends? I know I didn't post about you on your birthday Katie, but that doesn't matter because you are special to me every day of the year. My life is richer because of you and I appreciate everything you have done for me. I am so thankful that our friendship continues to grow even though we are so far away from each other. You know you are the only person (besides my family) that I actually pick up the phone and call. (I hate talking on the phone.) Thank you for always being the friend that I can trust, cry to and talk to. You are the true definition of friendship and I love you!
July 17, 2008
You Know School Is About To Start When...
So... I officially have less than a month before school starts...depressing in a way...exciting in another. I'm excited because my principal has asked me to loop up with my kids. Now..this is different than most teachers...I'm not just looping up with 22 or so of my children...I am the Communication Skills teacher, which means I teach Reading, Writing and Language...which also means I am looping up with ALL 76 of my kids from last year!! So exciting!! I've never taught 4th grade...I'm a 3rd grade virgin...but...I'm about to embark on a new challenge. Here in Oklahoma we don't start at the end of August, we believe in starting at the beginning...so.. I report back to school August 4th (yes, that is my 26th birthday) and the kids report back August 11th. Here are some reasons why I know school is about to start:
July 15, 2008
Survey time
I've been pretty bad lately about the whole blogging thing. I think it is the fact that it is summer and I have actually been pretty busy lately. Just so you know I am in the process of choreographing routines for the Owasso JV Pom squad...I will be holding a week long camp July 28-August 1st from 9-4 everyday teaching them routines for the upcoming football season. So...with that said, I have moved all the furniture in my living room so that I can "dance" all day while Walt is at work. I know my neighbors think I am crazy, because I KNOW they can hear my music blasting! I promise I will get around to posting pictures from this past weekend, but right now I just wanted to take a break from my dancing (ha) and fill out some surveys that I saw on other people's blogs....(not necessarily people I am friends with either...that's right...I stalk!)
Survey One
One Word...
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Significant other? supportive
3. Your hair? brown
4. Your mother? hero
5. Your father? absent
6. Your favorite thing? teaching
7. Your dream last night? school
8. Your favorite drink? wine
9. Your dream/goal? mom
10. Room you're in? office
11. Your hobby? traveling
12. Your fear? guns
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? international
14. Where were you last night? Borders
15. What you're not? rude
16. Muffins? banana
17. One of your wish list items? bike
18. Where you grew up? MP
19. What are you wearing? shirt
20. Your pets? Perfection
21. Your computer? slow
22. Your life? fabulous
23. Your mood? nervous
24. Missing someone? Jack
25. Your car? BMW
26. Something you're not wearing? socks
27. Favorite store? Anthropologie
28. Your summer? over
29. Your favorite color? green
30. Last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today
Survey Two:
What were you doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago it was the summer before my junior year of high school. I took my best friend to the beach, had a boyfriend and drove a Cobalt Blue Honda Civic. I was living the dream...living the dream.
Things on my To-Do List today:
Walt can't stand to come home and have the house dirty...especially when I am not working! So...I need to
1.) Watch All My Children (my priorities are in order, aren't they?)
2.) Fold the laundry and put it away
3.) Clean the kitchen
4.)Learn another dance routine
5.) Make supper
6.) Love on my husband and my Gracie
What are some snacks you enjoy?
My mother got me started on these fruit chillers...AMAZING! Flava-Ice Popsicles, red apples, 100 calorie packs, anything chocolate.
What would you do if you were a millionaire?
I'd probably do what most people would do. Give to a mission that I believed in, buy myself a summer and a winter home, travel and help my family out if they needed it.
Name some of the places you've called home:
Mt. Pleasant, TX
Waco, TX
Plano, TX
Owasso, OK
Clearly I'm a Texas girl at heart.
What are some of your bad habits?
I constantly bite at my lip, I make awful faces when I dance, I never pick up my clothes once I throw them on the floor, I hate loading the dishes, I am very indecisive, I like to drive faster than the allowed limit, I only like listening to my music, I have a very serious problem with saying: "I was like....", I blow up when the yard isn't mowed just the way I like it.
What are some jobs you've held?
Cashier at my father's pharmacy
Cashier at the local gift shop in MP
3 and 4 year old afternoon day care teacher
3rd grade teacher
4th grade teacher
Who are you tagging?
July 9, 2008
3-Day Weekend
On Thursday night, we had several people over to grill out. After we ate our yummy steak, we decided that we were going to play a game of Cranium. Why these people chose to play Cranium with Walt I will never know. I tried to warn them before hand that Walt doesn't necessarily have enough patience to play board games, and in between every turn he was up doing something and of course this annoyed the other competitors. Of course, when we won, they were even more frustrated because Walt wasn't giving his full attention. But seriously, who can beat Walt at a seriesof informational questions?
Brett really trying hard to figure out how we were winning
The newlyweds enjoying the fireworks! We love Shea and Jill
Beth and Travis...adorable
Walt and Matt...gotta love Matt's patriotic outfit!
Me and the girls... obviously it is hot...my face is SHINY!
On Saturday, Walt's family came into town and believe it or not, I didn't take ANY pictures! We had so much fun though. We went to see Wall-e, I went with Walt's mother to get her hair done and we shopped, we grilled out hamburgers, Walt and I even took Tucker to Big Splash. Big Splash is like a miniature Hurricane Harbor...very miniature. I happened to run into 6 of my students there, and I felt very awkward because there I was standing in a bikini. I don't think it is time to start wearing a one piece, but if I am going to start running into my children, maybe I should have one handy?? I mean... it was kind of like they were looking at me in my bra and underwear... I felt strange.
Our 4th of July weekend was filled with excitement! This weekend we are off to the Rivers/Anderson wedding, Taste of Dallas and hanging out with Poco. I will have lots to talk about after this exciting adventure back to the greatest state in the U.S. of A... TEXAS!
July 5, 2008
Could it be?
Just a closer view
July 1, 2008
Weekend in Daingerfield
On Friday we went to Longview and picked up Grandma. We went straight to Caddo Lake where we ate at this hole in the wall, (man, did they have good catfish) and then we went to the Caddo State Park and just took in nature. Grandma even made the comment, "How can you NOT believe in God after seeing this?" She is right, Caddo Lake was extremely beautiful and we had a great day together.
On Saturday Walt and I got up at the crack of dawn to watch Tucker play in the All-Star tournament. They lost their first game 15-1, but ended up winning their 2nd game, so they went in for another round in the tournament. Walt and I then left to go to Mt. Pleasant to see my Nana and Poppy.....and surprise, my MOMMA was there also. We didn't do much while we were there, but it was great catching up. Being home is so great because it is always so low-key.
Sunday we went to church, ate some mexican food at Two Senoritas, and then went out to the Daingerfield State Park, where Walt, Tucker and I rented a canoe. Bad idea... Walt was the only one that could actually canoe...but it was fun.
Tucker and Walt's mom are coming up here on Saturday and staying until Monday because they are flying out of Tulsa to go to Delaware. We have some fun things in store for them, and with it being 4th of July and all I know I will have plenty of pictures to post after this weekend.
On a side note... who is excited that DeAnna got rid of Jeremy? I know I am! I was still a little hurt after she let Graham go, but knowing that she got rid of Jeremy made it all better for me! I can't wait to see how the season finale turns out...my vote is for Jason...who are you rooting for?
Me and Grandma at the Park...isn't she adorable?
Me and Walt
The gorgeous trees
Me and Mom posing beside all the trees