Grab a kleenex....I saw this on Oprah and wanted to share. This little boy is a pure miracle and the love that his father has for him reminded me of the love that our Father has for us. Thank goodness for love and for small miracles.
"Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes." Ephesians 1:4
October 30, 2008
99 Balloons
October 22, 2008
October 21, 2008
What's the 6th picture in your 6th folder?
October 20, 2008
Weekend Update
Walt with the DD!Obviously this guy was NOT the DD
Clearly these two studs had already started drinking at 11:00 in the morning. They loved the fact that we got to use socks to roll the keg....
The boys trying to discuss their strategy with the girls.
Walt and I are watching Wheel of Fortune (remember he's had a little to drink) it is the final round where the contestant gets to guess their last and final puzzle. This is what the puzzle looked like:
October 17, 2008
100th Post
I know this is the 2nd time I have posted today, but I have been thinking for quite some time as to what Gracie should be this year for Halloween. You see, Gracie HATES wearing anything over her head, and she isn't really a fan of clothes. So I figured that I could make her a tutu and she could be a ballerina. I went with Walt to Hobby Lobby and we purchased some elastic and some tulle. I came home, measured Miss Gracie's waist, and sewed the elastic, then made the tutu. And Voila.... she is now a ballerina! Gracie felt much more comfortable in this than a shirt or a regular costume. I've been told I have way too much time on my hands... I don't believe this... I just think I love Gracie a WHOLE lot! Just think... if I ever have a girl someday, I can make her tons of tutus to wear with her onesies! How adorable is that??? 100th post... is dedicated to my ballerina....
Fall Break?
Even on his day off...he can't stop working
Miss Gracie after her run
Gracie is exhausted!
October 16, 2008
25 things
Since nothing new has been happening around the house....i've been very slow to blog. Walt leaves Sunday for Indonesia for 4 weeks and this weekend is Octoberfest, so I am sure I will have pictures and something to write about. Until then....just a little more of an insight into my life. Copied this from several friends' blogs. 25 things that I LOVE:
1. The cool weather. We slept with the windows down last night and I got to snuggle up in the covers!
2. Dinner and a movie night with my husband...which is tonight!
3. Pansies
4. Watching my students finally understand a concept
5. Hugs from my 75 babies
6. nonfat, sugar free vanilla chai latte with no water (umm...thanks Poco!)
7. sitting on my porch, drinking wine
8. Gracie kisses
9. laughing with Walt
10. The familar smell when I hug my mother
11. Christmas holidays
12. Jack Johnson
13. Babies
14. Being able to watch my weekly shows (thank goodness for TiVo!)
15. Listening to Air1
16. Queso
17. Playing rummy with all of my family
18. Freshly mowed grass
19. Shopping....specifically at Banana Republic and Anthropologie
20. The Baylor Bears
21. Seeing all my Texas friends (& my one Colorado friend...ha!)
22. Praying
23. Christmas shopping in Kansas City
24. Picking up Walt from the airport
25. My Family
October 7, 2008
Before and After
October 6, 2008
Nothing Special
You know fall is here when you are attending monthly meetings for this and that and the theme is to decorate a pumpkin. I've decorated two in the past 2 days. One for my mother in law for her school... this is a vampire pumpkin: (made our of limes, oranges and black foam)And when I attended my monthly Junior League Meeting, we decorated pumpkins here is my other pumpkin: