This past week Eloise and I had a visit from Gambi. We had so much fun and did so many things! I think Eloise and I are still recovering....we've been a little under the weather. Gambi came to visit us on Monday. While she was here we went shopping at the Galleria (and picked up daddy's Father's day present), we went swimming with our weekly playgroup, we went and had sushi and walked around La Centerra, we laid in bed and watched Good Morning America, we did so much stuff!
Gambi reading Eloise a bed time story
Gambi reading Eloise a bed time story
we were dog sitting again for our friends again...and my mother fell in LOVE with Jack. I think Jack fell in LOVE with her too. This is how they spent their mornings....
sleepy girl, getting ready for a car drive to Dallas
While we were in Dallas Eloise turned 4 months old. She is growing up so quickly! At 4 months you:
LOVE your tongue
Slept straight through the night, THREE nights in a row
have now started taking the paci
are obsessed with your hands
met some new friends at your play group
smile all the time
drink 4 0z every 3 hours
are awake for 2 hours then you usually take an hour nap
love to be held...especially by momma
still love your Baby Bjorn
love to be free (a.k.a. naked)
love bathtime because you get to kick your legs
only wake up once at night
wear 3-6 month clothes
wear 1-2 diapers
have the highest pitched laugh I have ever heard
make your momma and daddy so extremely happy
Big old Bug eyes!!