Let's face it...I love this man. I honestly knew that I was going to marry him from the moment that I first laid eyes on him. When you ask him who made the first "official" move so that we could start talking...he'll flat out tell you that I called information to get his phone number. I am the one that made the first move. Like I said..I just knew. Now as I sit here almost 9 years later, I would have never ever thought that after that first "official" phone call I would share so much with Walt. Sure...I knew I'd marry him...but I never realized all of the emotions that we would go through together. The bond that you have when you become married, and then grow together as a couple, and then become parents. Heck, I'll be honest...a year ago....I never thought I would be sitting here about to expect my second child with Walt. But...with all that being said... he is the most amazing father. He puts us first. He does so many things that he shouldn't have to do. He works so hard. He apologizes even when he isn't wrong. He pays all the bills, irons, does the dishes, mops, vacuums, washes clothes... He is my hero. He is Eloise's hero. He is Gracie's hero. and soon....very soon...he will be Emerson's hero. Who would have ever thought, that I would fall in love with this man...and that he would be the perfect man for me... even when he does things like this....
what's not to love, right?
but...I must admit... when I saw this... it was a completely different type of loving him....
and that totally changed my perspective for me, right there.
I can't wait to see him with his next little angel. What did I do to deserve someone who loves us so much?
Goodness! I can't ever seem to catch up with life! It always seems as though a lot is going on around the Bass household. We've actually been able to take it "easy" because I am at that point where I can no longer travel. After going to the doctor today I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I'm trying not to get too anxious as I was 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced with Eloise for 6 weeks. My doctor seems to think that we won't have to induce this time....I just told her, "thank you" for totally jinxing it. I remember when I was pregnant with Eloise at this point I was pretty miserable...but now, with another child to take care of at home, things are completely different. I can no longer bend over to give her a bath...and Walt has been working late. Eloise is running around the house and I find it hard to stop her. I know that things will be multiplied with when bring home little sister, but I just need the belly to go away so I can maneuver!! haha!! Speaking of little sister...a lot of people have been asking what her name will be. Walt and I have been back and forth on her name for the longest time. With Eloise it was easy because Walt really wanted to name her after his grandmother that he had always heard so much about. For as long as I can remember I always had a name picked out for my little girl, and after we found out we were having a girl this time around again, I knew I wanted to use the name. We've tried hard not to use names that are too popular, and it seems as though the name we have chosen is slowly becoming popular again...but this has always been "the name" that I have wanted. I am not that person that likes sharing names because I hate to hear what people have to say about it, or what they don't say about it. But...Walt has often reminded me that this is our child, and as long as we love the name, that is all that matters. So...her name will be: Emerson Caskey Bass she will go by Emmy or Emmy C.. haha So I will have an Eloise and an Emerson or and Ellie B and an Emmy C I love using first and middle names, so I have had fun monogramming stuff. At one point Walt and I discussed her name being Caskey, (after my grandparents, which I also love) BUT... I couldn't come to grips with people maybe calling her Cass Bass...it just didn't sit well for me. Her nursery is almost complete, and I promise after it is all done, I will be posting pics. As for our little family we have been up to some things like:
dressing up in pretty clothes
having yet another emergency room visit because we couldn't get our 105 temperature to go down...thankfully it was due to an ear infection and the tubes have helped since then....
spending lots of time on our hammock, napping
realizing that we do LOVE McDonald's chicken nugget happy meals (don't worry, we limit them) but OH how she loves them
playing outside in our diaper
learning how to climb IN to the dishwasher... and then give me the look like she is innocent...
going for lots of walks in our double stroller... Gracie is just "breaking it in"
Over spring break, E had tubes put in her ears. What a trooper. Once the anesthetic wore off she was just waving at all the nurses telling them "bye-bye" She looked so scrumptious in her little hospital outfit.
and just preparing the new nursery for Emmy! I will tell you, there is one reason why I don't ever want to give up being pregnant...I've actually had cravings this time. Now, it's only been cravings for three different things...but oh man, how I have loved eating these three things: 1. chicken schawarmas...if you don't know what this is...google it and then find the nearest place that sells them. OH MY GOODNESS...heaven. 2. low-fat strawberry pop tarts... I eat ONE every day for snack at school. I even had two students bring me boxes when they saw they were on sale at HEB 3. popsicle creamsicles. Remember the popsicles that you used to eat as a kid with ice cream inside...oh yes, that is me at least 3 times a week...so yummy! I think I've finally caught up with the blog...now to catching up with laundry, dishes, ironing, cleaning......
Woo Hoo! It is officially spring break! lOvE this time of year! I love when the mornings are cool and then the afternoons are perfect! Walt has been working LONG hours...this was pretty much what he saw of his baby girl last week when he got home from work.... chunky lil' dumplin, isn't she?
this is a pic of Eloise last weekend when we had a little outing to Ikea for the first time. We purchased baby sister's new changing table there. Ikea is definitely an experience!
and since the weather has been so perfect we have been having a LOT of hammock time together. Eloise LOVES her hammock, and this is a guaranteed spot for a nap!
this weekend the weather was gorgeous! on saturday we took it pretty easy. we went to HEB and got our groceries for the week, daddy worked from home, took a nice little walk around the lake, cleaned the house, and Eloise and I spent a lot of time outside. she LOVES to be outside...she decided that she wanted a sip of my water and poured the entire drink on her body...so we just decided to go without pants!
on sunday we took our first trip to the ZOO! we had SO much fun! as I was going through the pictures I realized that I hardly took any pictures of animals...they were mostly of Eloise, but everyone knows what animals look like, right?! here is daddy and e before we left for the day....
we had out lunch at the zoo...yum!
eloise has no fear of animals we went to the petting zoo and she loved this little goat
momma and her big girl
this was right in front of the Lemur exhibit
watching the tiger
check out those lips...look closely oh baby
two peas in a pod
e loved the sea lions
she also loved riding on daddy's shoulders
checking out the elephants before we left
after leaving the zoo, we visited the park for a bit. we had to get back to our car and this was the nicest, most scenic route eloise has REALLY taken off as far as walking goes... it is so funny to watch. and just so you know...she does have shoes...she prefers to go without... my child for sure. (I have two videos at the bottom as well)
we had a great weekend I can't wait for this coming week! I will be going up to the school on tuesday to get things together for the sub that will be entering my classroom in about 6 1/2 weeks! AHHH!! Eloise is getting tubes put in on Thursday and we are going to try to get the nursery all done (try) Here I am at 32 weeks 5 days Doctor said she that unless baby comes earlier (which she thinks she will, but she thought the same thing about Eloise) I will be induced during the 39th week. (this is 6 weeks 2 days away!) we are still debating on a date because I really want to be in the classroom with my kids when they take the Math and Reading TAKS test. So...we will see what little Bass decides to do... But...you can tell by the pic, that I HAVE indeed, gained weight... I'm just ready to have two little girls to snuggle with!!
and like I said...here are two videos of Eloise just a walking away...she's quite possibly the cutest thing in the entire world....