Here I am with my two babies LAST mother's day.
Never in a million years did I think I would be blessed to have 3 babies by the NEXT mother's day. Little E was only 2 and a half months old....Look at the next picture to see how much she has changed.
Never in a million years did I think I would be blessed to have 3 babies by the NEXT mother's day. Little E was only 2 and a half months old....Look at the next picture to see how much she has changed.
can you guess who is who?
Emerson is on top...and Eloise is on bottom.
I think they look VERY similar.
Maybe I am's not in the eyes though.
From the nose down...I think it is almost identical.
I love looking at pictures to see what characteristics my girls have in common.
Definitely can tell that they are both Bass babies.
We really didn't do much this past weekend. We just took it easy.
I actually put on real clothes on Saturday and went to dinner with my friend Sarah and then we went to see Something Borrowed. The movie was cute. It followed the book very closely and now I feel like I need to read the book again...haha, when I have this little thing called, time. And I am seriously hoping that they do another movie for Something Blue....I really loved John Krasinski in this movie. Reminded me of one of my good guy friends from highschool.
It felt good to get out and hang out with an adult.
I am very thankful that Walt agreed to watch the girls...not that he wouldn't...he just would rather me give them a bath, and feed them...
Mother's Day was great. I received a spa package from my girls
and was given a major shopping spree from the Mr.
He actually wrote in the card that he gave me that "my clothes are disgusting and I need new ones."
Really? I never imagined that my clothes were disgusting...old, yes...but let's think about this...I've been pregnant for the past 2 years...there hasn't been a need to buy new clothes. But...I'll take the shopping spree...let me lose a few more pounds and I'll be all over that gift.
My greatest gift on Mother's Day? Just looking at my three babies. I love the fact that we were finally able to get out and walk with my girls. I love being outside with them. I love that we went to the grocery store and did the "family" thing.
Go ahead and say it...I am such a mom. But..I love it, and wouldn't have it any other way.
I am so blessed.
Blessed. Blessed. Blessed.
Can't believe that I have two precious babies and one four legged baby too.
Thank you Lord for trusting me to raise these girls.
They are growing every single day.
and I don't want to miss a single minute.
Emmy is officially allowed to take "baths" now!
Look at her cute button!!
I remember as a little girl always wanting to have an outie.
I LOVED the way that outies looked in swimsuits, and was jealous of my friends that had them.
Is that a weird obsession?, both of my girls have outies...and I think they are absolutely ADORABLE!
I am slightly obsessed with Emmy's lips..
I mean, how could you not want to kiss those little puckers??
simply perfect.
and Eloise is becoming more and more of a little lady every day.
she loves looking through her books...and this makes for a happy momma.
she'd just rather play in her room all day and have me check in on her ever so often.
Of course, I can't stand to be away from her for that long.
and I am so thankful for these monitors!
I managed to get both babies down for a nap on Saturday, at the same time, and was able to rest a little myself. These monitors definitely help you "rest" easier.
I have used these monitors more than anything else.
Love taking all three girlies on walks.
I was one happy momma on Sunday.
Meredith! I love love love this post! Your little ones are so cute! Happy Mother's Day! :)
Meredith, I love the pictures of Eloise and Emerson in the double stroller! It's AMAZING how fast they grow!
I always get a laugh looking at your pics of Eloise- she and Carson are up to sooo many of the same things! Carson loves reading too- bedtime can't happen until I read at least three stories, at least two times each!
It really is crazy that you added two babies within two mother's days! Wow!!
Your girls are precious!!! What kind of moniter is that? I am busy registering... oh the journey!
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