April 16, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

So, I got this in the mail today....Doesn't seem like a big deal EXCEPT I've been using the same hair dryer since my FRESHMAN year of college...(I've been out of college for 5 years... you do the math)
That's 9 years for you slow ones... yes, this hair dryer was like MAGIC...it lasted 8 years longer than the warranty.
So, one would think that I would use it first...
I received my new hair dryer today, and guess who got to try it out first...
No one other than this princess... Which princess you ask? Oh...the one with the hat on...NOT the one with the big goofy smile.
What's wrong with this picture?
Can't wait to try it out tomorrow!


Joe, Jenn, Nathan, and William said...

i have the same hair dryer...i love it! my mom got me one for christmas 3 years ago and it is still working, i can't believe it! i usually go through hair dryers in a year (thanks to the thick hair!!) hope you guys are doing well! i will be in oklahoma in july. maybe we can meet up for lunch or something...

The Holmans said...

OHHHH I.HEART.MY.CHI.HAIRDRYER!!!! You will LOVE it too!!! Hope you are doing great Mere!

Yelda said...

new header is cute!