The season for our wonderful Baylor Bears was officially over last weekend, but with Thanksgiving and putting up Christmas, I am a week behind....but I feel like I have been a week behind a lot lately. Even though our Bears ended up NOT winning against A&M and OU we still ended the season much better than normal.... 7-5, and we will be going to a bowl game, so Walt's Christmas wish already came true. It's been so fun to watch Eloise grow over the football season...I can't believe next year we will be taking two little bears to the games!
One of my favorite students flew down from Tulsa to watch her OU Sooners kick our hiney! Walt and I were so excited to be able to show Miss Clair around Baylor's campus....maybe one day she will be a Baylor Bear....maybe just maybe we brain washed her enough! We had the best time hanging out with The Castleberry's. What wonderful friends we made in Tulsa.
We started off our day going to George's restaurant with the McKamy's. Eloise has really taken a liking to Sue. We even got to spend the night with the McKamy's and enjoy our last 2010 football game together.
Eloise was trying to show Clair how to do the "Sic'Em Bears." I must say Eloise looks so cute doing it, and I don't think E has ever had someone so precious hold her!
Of course all of the guys were giving Walt a hard time for bringing in the Baby Bjorn. wouldn't be a game without our new mascot Eloise.
I realize I have on the same outfit from the previous week...BUT we left at 7 in the morning for the game that started at 7 that night, and I didn't feel like picking out anything else! It's hard keeping up with Sue...she's always in the cutest clothes.
We do not have a baby that sleeps for very long at all...her naps last maybe an hour. It was supposed to be night night time, but she couldn't miss out on the action, and some one on one time with daddy.
We stopped over at the Beta tailgate before leaving. E had to get a picture with Ryan, Tyler and daddy. Remember I said she LOVES Tyler...I couldn't get her to look at me...she is staring straight at him. She's in love.
Where is Eloise? She would not sleep in the pack and play...she decided that she needed the queen size bed, all to herself. (Don't worry, we slept on the sides of her.)
Well, we go in on Wednesday to find out if Baby Bass #2 is a boy or girl.
It's hard to believe that 18 weeks have already passed by!
I am finally over the all day sickness and I was so glad to be pregnant again over the holiday. I don't feel so bad when I eat like a pig.
Here is my belly at 18 weeks and 2 days. I would have shown my face, but it wouldn't have been a pretty picture!
I'm thinking the doctor is going to tell us we are having another girl.
If this is the case...we have some serious work ahead of us...Walt and I can NOT agree on a name!
And my baby girl turned 9 months on the 19th!
We went to the doctor for her 9 month check up:
Little girl YOU
are 19 pounds and 11 oz. Which means you are in the 65% for your weight
You eat 3 meals a day. 7:30/12/and 6
You snack twice a day in between your lunch and dinner feedings.
You still take 4 bottles a day, eating anywhere from 4 oz. a feeding to 7 oz.
The doctor told me you were a glow baby...your skin is a little orange! ha! This is because you prefer the orange and yellow foods. I make sure I give you at least one green a day. I kind of like the orange though, makes me feel like you are tan!
You are 2 feet 5 inches tall and this puts you in the 90% for height. You are a tall baby right now!!
Your head circumference is 17.52 inches and this puts you in the 65%. Hmm...wonder who in the family has a big head?!!
You normally go down around 7:30-8 and you sleep until 6:45.
You said your first word...MOMMA
You say it ALLLL the time now, I love it!!
You LOVE music. If you are crying, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, always makes it better.
You LOVE your bathtime. You could stay in there!! I love the fact that I have a water baby!
You are a big time crawler...oh goodness can you crawl! And you are pulling up on everything!
We are having the MOST fun with you! We need energy, but we are having FUN!
Can't wait to hear if the new baby is a boy or girl! How exciting! All the pics of E are so precious!
Wednesday?? How exciting!!!
Can't wait to see if Eloise is going to have a little brother or sister:) And, Miss E is the cutest little Baylor fan!
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