November 13, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday! I really needed this, this week. I needed some time to reflect and think about what I am thankful for. This week has been a WEEK! However, today as I reflect upon all the many things that stick out in my mind that I am thankful for there is one thing that sticks out even farther than all the rest:

It isn't an extremely close picture of any of my kids, so I took the risk and posted it. All of my kids signed the waiver stating they could have their pics taken. I've been so stressed out and so lonely lately, but these sugarplums ALWAYS make my day could 75 sweeties NOT make you smile. I love each and every one of them in their own special way.


Mc Allen said...

awww, you are really blessed and its awesome that you allow yourself to get some new perspective when you see these precious faces!! Thank you for allowing us to have a glimpse into your day!!! LA