September 23, 2009

You have to kiss a lot of toads to find your prince

Gracie must have taken the title seriously. Man, has it been a busy last two weeks. In the last two weeks we have moved into our house, taken off the wallpaper in the guest bathroom, repainted it, found out what we are having, (I'll spill those results later....we're still giving it a little time just to "be sure"), been to Waco for the season opener, and taken Gracie to the emergency room.
On the day that we moved into our house, I was at school teaching. Walt decided that he would take the day off and help the movers, move in. Well, at some point in time the guys decided to take a break. While they were taking a break, Gracie started playing around with what they thought was a frog. She was very curious, and the guys were laughing, making fun of her. Gracie went down to attack the "frog" and play with it a little more.....come to find out the frog was a toad....a poisonous toad. Poisonous toads have a glad on their back that secrete poison....when Gracie went down to touch the toad, the toad secreted poison into her mouth. Walt and the other men did not see this happen, but within 20 minutes Gracie was throwing up everywhere. Walt decided to call the vet, and the vet told Walt that he needed to bring Gracie in immediately. Of course Walt called me, and I started crying...trying to hold it in, in front of all my kids. (I could just picture us moving into our house, withOUT Gracie.)
By the time Walt got to the vet, the vet examined Gracie and told Walt that it was a strong possibility that Gracie would not make it. She was given two injections to slow down her heart rate, and to stop the poison from reaching her stomach, and she was hooked up to an I.V. The doctor told Walt he would call him with hourly updates. Of course by this point in time Walt had already called better believe I was on the phone, calling the vet asking if I could come and sit with my sweet Gracie. The answer was no....and I stayed at school. So..after about two hours the doctor called and said that Gracie was going to make it. Thank Goodness! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
When I came home that day from school, Walt was sitting in his office, surrounded by a ton of boxes drinking a glass of wine...the first thing he said to me was..."We almost lost our daughter today." I just had to start because I was thankful, two because I was so stressed and three because it had been an extreme day! We are so glad that our little one is doing just fine now...and Gracie still hasn't learned her lesson....everytime she goes out in the backyard...she goes after anything that jumps!


Jenny M said...

So scary! I am glad she is okay! Emergency vet trips are no fun! With 4 dogs, I have been several times!

Sarah K. said...

OMG! My sister's Yorkie did the same thing like two days ago. He is fine too, but how scary! There must be a bunch of those toads this year.

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

oh no how scary!! We went thru a similar thing with our little Chloe. She was stung by something

I'm so glad shes okay now!!

kinsey said...

scary! glad she's ok! and i'm DYING to know what you are having!! please share soon :-)

Graham said...

Call me

Ron and Mindy said...

ummm a phone call would be nice...i dont have your number or i would call you!!

KClevenger said...

Poor Gracie! This reminds me of when Oliver ate several glow sticks. That was quite the panic as well!!

Marci said...

Can't wait to hear what you're having, Meredith! And so happy Gracie's ok, sick puppies are so not fun!

rathi said...

Glad that Gracie is ok! Can't wait to hear what you are having, hope you share soon! Happy Sunday!

Padoodie's mom said...

Oh my gosh! I started crying! I am so happy that Miss Gracie is okay! Can't wait to hear more on "Baby Bass!!!"