November 11, 2009

Big Daddy's Birthday

LOOK at that SWEET, SWEET BABY!! Who would have ever guessed that sweet baby could be WALTER?!?!
Happy Birthday to my favorite man in the entire world! I can't believe that this is our 8th birthday together....but I am so thankful that we have many more to share. It's hard to believe that next year at this time, you will have already experienced many months of being a daddy!
This past weekend, Walt and I went home to celebrate Walt's dad's birthday, (he turned 60.) While we were there, we decided to also do Walt's birthday with his family. When Walt's mom was pregnant with Walt she had some blankets made. 28 years ago, they did not do sonograms to see what they were expecting. So, before Walt was born his mother had some blankets made...or course the lady made several blue blankets and several pink blankets. Well, Walt's mom never had a girl, so she saved the pink blankets. This weekend Walt was given one of the pink blankets, for us to use with Eloise. It was perfect! We hadn't bought a blanket yet for the crib, and now we don't have too!! The blanket is beautiful and it is so obvious that so much work and detail went into this precious gift. What a neat story to be able to tell our daughter!

Walt and his daddy blowing out their candles. The "brownie torte" that Walt's mom made, was by far the yummiest dessert I have had in quite some time.
The present that Preston and Ashley got Walt...this will definitely be used!

Walt looking at the sweet blanket
This morning I woke up extra early to fix Walt breakfast in bed. I got up at 5 in the a.m. and started making Walt's favorite...homemade blueberry pancakes. I decided I would wake Walt up at 5:45 to give him his breakfast....15 minutes earlier than usual. So at 5:45, Gracie and I walked into the bedroom, with the nice little tray all set, breakfast, juice...."Happy Birthday!" Gracie and I exclaim....Walt, of course, reacts totally different way than I expected...he was mad that I woke him up early. Now... I had already poured the syrup on the pancakes, done all that jazz so that he wouldn't have too. Walt's response was, "Can I eat this later?" I, being the pregnant person that I am, told him NO because the syrup was already on the pancakes and it would make them soggy. Well, it was obvious that he did not want to eat the pancakes at this time, so I did what any normal person would do....I put the pancakes in the sink.
Walt then realized at this point in time what I did...(I had already gotten in the shower to get ready for school)
When I got out of the shower, my sweet, darling, birthday boy of a husband was sitting on the couch, eating his pancakes on the tv dinner tray, watching a football recap. He smiled at me and said, "Oh honey, thank you for the pancakes, these are the greatest ever."
So...needless to say, we had a fun morning, this morning....but the pancakes were good!!
I fixed dinner for Walt tonight...his favorite meal, homemade meatballs and spaghetti, and I got him a Caesar salad from La Madeline, and two pieces of chocolate cake. We went for a nice little walk, and now we are watching the Ugly Truth, for the second night in a row....only because my bedtime seems to be around 8:15 every night, and I slept through half of it last night!!
I must say I am an extremely lucky girl to be married to Walt... he is the most incredible man...and he puts up with a lot of my non-sense....especially here lately. Thank you Walt for loving me and Gracie....and for showing me that you are going to be the most wonderful father to this sweet baby girl. Happy Birthday!!