Happy 5 Month Miss Eloise Betty Bass!
(well...5 months and one day)
Let's see at 5 months you:
- talk A LOT...hmmm wonder where you could get that from
- eat 7 oz. every 5 hours
- LOOOOVVVEE you some green beans
- usually take 2 naps throughout the day
- wear some 3/6 month clothes and some 6/12 month clothes
- wear a size 2 diaper
- get so excited once that bottle is put in front of you...you flap those arms and kick those legs
- LOVE the pool
- are a very happy baby
- go to bed around 8:30 and wake up once (usually) then sleep until 8 or 8:3o in the morning
- really reach for things now
- took your first plane ride, and you have been to 3 different states!
- are obsessed with your hands and feet
- can roll from back to tummy and tummy to back
- would rather sleep on your tummy
- hate rice cereal
- babble to yourself in your crib for a good 30 minutes before you fall asleep
You are such a wonderful baby.
Thank you for making our lives complete.
We love you!
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