January 26, 2012

Shake your hiney!!

i text this video to some of my family members and closest friends, last week... but, i have since played it over and over again and had to post it for my fellow bloggers to see. i did NOT choreograph this routine with her (come on, she isn't even 2)...she just LOVES to dance, (as do all of the girls on the Wilson side....we enrolled early). As Aunt Poco would say...looks like she is part Wilson after all.
and it looks like i will be enrolling this girl in some sort of dance class come fall.
Shake your hiney, Eloise!!
(make sure to turn off my music on the side, or you won't get the full effect.)

January 25, 2012

9 months...really? yes, really.

i always talk about how thankful i am for my family and friends...
but last weekend, i was very thankful.
Baylor was playing Missouri in basketball and Walt and i loaded up the girls and made the trek, once again, up to waco. well, as luck would have it, on our way there...we found out that the game was sold out.
well...walt really wanted to go to the game..
so my sweet sister gave up her ticket, so walt could go.
and then once my sweet sue found out that poco and i were going to hang out with my babies all day just walking around campus, getting some common grounds, and going to george's...she decided to stay behind as well.
needless to say, i was so thankful that they stayed behind to help me out.
and here are sue and eloise at george's...
sue is a natural...eloise was sleepy, and sue just talked to her, and rocked her to sleep.

after the game, we went and stayed at our friend's ranch house..
and this is where you could always find eloise.
right in aunt "poto's" lap.
playing barney on her i-phone.
then the weekend was over...boo.
however, i did snap some pics of daddy pushing the girls around in their car and little wagon.
i totally know that the wagon was not meant for a child to ride around in it...
but...daddy had another idea...
and i thought it was pretty darn cute.

and yes...it is time for another monthly post.
a NINE month post.
holy moly.
not like i didn't know this already, BUT...emerson is getting harder and harder to snap
pictures of...
she is just a mover and a shaker.
now..if you follow my blog at all..you know that every single time i take the camera out..
emerson's mouth just opens up...
she is always just all smiles.
she is FINALLY crawling!
it took us quite a while, and we still are not that good at it.
emerson is so funny...instead of crawling, she does the matrix move to get around...
and i can't even begin to explain it.
you are SUCH a good sleeper!
you sleep from 9-11/1-3 and then you go down around 7:30 and sleep until 7:30
you are extremely curious...
into everything!!
you want to be with your sister all the time.
i love that i can now leave you two in a room together...and you two just play and play
i love the laughter!!
you are the happiest, most carefree baby..EVER!
you no longer eat any baby food.
you want nothing to do with it.
I LOVE this...
you absolutely LOVE grill cheese (my kind of girl) green beans, scalloped potatoes, corn dogs, bread, broccoli, carrots, yogurt, pancakes, chicken, spaghetti, bacon...the list could GO ON!
and like i said earlier...
you are now finally on the go!!
and the other day, i snapped some pictures of emerson, eloise and carson out in old town katy.

eloise and carson are 2 weeks apart and have been together since the beginning...
and i got one of my two little loves
my big girl..
she went in for that kiss...and i captured it!
we love carson...and i have never met a more serious little man in my life!
sweet baby
finally captured that smile.

January 18, 2012


here's to another post about my children.
but, i can't help it.
we've had some milestones...several milestones over the past week...
and as a momma who blogs,
i must document it.

the first milestone is HUGE.
and it makes me OH SO HAPPY.
I can't tell you how long I have waited for this...
how I have looked at other moms and been jealous....and looked at little girls and just wanted to take them home with me and play with their hair...
I can now put a RUBBER BAND in my child's hair and ATTACH a BOW to it!!
Oh my goodness..isn't that the most incredible thing ever!!??
I'm talking...we've gone over a week now with a bow in our hair...
I knew I needed to distract her, and Eloise LOVES to brush her teeth...so..
I just let her brush her teeth, and while she is doing that...
and then there was day 2

day 3
day 4
day 5

and we even kept the bow in our hair while we had friends over to play!
I can't even begin to tell you HOW happy this makes me...
now, I have to go to the store and buy some more bows with clips...but who cares!!
It's a BOW!

and a milestone for this little bit...
not only is she sitting up on her own (I'm talking will be laying flat on her back and then BAM, she is up sitting ) she is also pulling up on EVERYTHING (still not crawling real well)
we have also decided that we LOVE Italian food..
Here she is eating Ravioli

and then again eating penne pasta.
OH goodness..the girl loves food, which is not a new thing, but
she is obsessed with it!
(and yes, I know that my child always has her mouth open....always)

now this isn't a milestone...but I walked in to check on both girls the other day while they were napping...they have both always scared me how they sleep...the get right up under the bumper...but I had to let out a little chuckle when I went in to their rooms and saw both of them like this:

another milestone...
walt and i took our girls to chik-fil-a on saturday NIGHT..
why is this a milestone?
This was their first dinner date with daddy...
even though momma tagged along...
we are going to make it a routine for daddy to take his girls out...
so these two little loves can see how a real gentleman should treat little ladies. :)
and the biggest milestone of all??
which made me shed some real big tears...
we've gone almost 2 weeks staying dry throughout the night!
baby girl isn't even 2...
I am one proud momma!
We are COMPLETELY potty trained..
so Sunday was spent making a mommy/daughter trip to Wal-Mart to let BIG E pick out two packages of big girl panties...
Dora and Minnie.
and now the girl never wants to take them off!
Some people thought I was crazy with the method I used...but..hey..it worked!
and I am going to do it with the little e as well!

and then just some pics of these two sweet sisters....

they might not love the camera too much...
BIG E especially...
they sure do love each other!!

oh that sister love just makes my heart so full!!

January 11, 2012

nothing exciting.

last weekend was one of the first weekends in quite some time that we had "nothing" to do.
No Baylor football (tear)
No birthday parties
No work
No family in town...
it was just us.
it was....

So, we decided that we would go and take Eloise's 2 year pictures. There really was absolutely no point in hiring someone to do it because our child hates the camera. So...we went and did it ourselves. And...I must say...I was happy about how they turned out. It's not like I need a whole slew of pictures of Eloise from her 2 year photo shoot...but to get 3 or 4 really good ones...I was happy with that.

Speaking of her 2 year photo shoot...
I am trying to come to grips with the fact that in a month I will have a TWO year old.
Like, are you kidding me?
It's bad enough that my littlest love is pulling up on things, wanting to eat real food, and starting to crawl.
and if you really want to get technical...in THREE short months I will have a ONE and a TWO year old.
I think it's safe to say that I cry all the time in this household.
Happy that they are healthy and growing...but oh my goodness they grow WAY TOO FAST!

Like I now have a daughter who likes to pick out her own clothes...
and some days I let her.
but..I have to be cautious because I would never want her going out in public dressed like this...

and I have another daughter who can now truly enjoy bathtime with her sister because we have graduated from the bumbo to sitting up all by herself

over the break Walt's aunt and uncle were nice enough to let us use a t.v. that they were no longer using...we put it in the playroom, and now Eloise never comes out.
Seriously, she comes out to eat, and go to the bathroom...that's it.

Here are some of E's 2 year pics...

and just a cute little picture of Eloise and daddy having tea.
This was before we started getting ready for church on Sunday.

and how can it be that this one is already pulling up on things?
I came into her room the other day and this is what I found.
She is such a little camera hog..always smiling for that camera! :)
Ever since Eloise has been born I have constantly complained because she had no hair.. but..I guess patience really is a virtue...because my girl might not have hair...but she has CURLS!!
and just a little shot of my two baby girls...
happy little babies.
maybe i'll have more to blog about later...
but I guess right now, I'll just go outside and enjoy the 75 degree weather we are experiencing in January.